Cover of the book Reframing Sex: Unlearning the Gender Binary with Trans Masculine YouTube Vloggers

W&J教授希望“取消”文化规范, Combat Transgender Stereotyping with New Book

Created: 2020年11月3日  |  Last Updated: March 18, 2021  |  Category: , ,   |  Tagged: , , ,

Stevie Berberick教授,博士.D. 想要做一些“反教学”.“在他们的新书中,”Reframing Sex: Unlearning the Gender Binary with Trans Masculine YouTube Vloggers,华盛顿 & det365app assistant professor of Communication Arts provides new and needed perspective on the way gender identity is portrayed in mainstream and independent media.

这本书将于11月11日由列克星敦图书公司出版. 15, explores three transmasculine-run YouTube channels alongside the streaming productions 《det365app》《女子监狱, and Transparent.

Berberick, 谁长期研究媒体中的性别表现, was inspired to write the book because they noticed a continuing lack of healthy or complete representations of transgender identity on screen.

“Transgender is such a beautiful and vibrant term that encompasses so many different forms of embodiment,” they said. “But what we’re seeing in the media is mainly a representation of transfemininity that’s really high-femme, 哪个很棒,但也不完整. One of the biggest shortcomings is that we don’t see transmasculinities on screen.”

Berberick也经常这么说, transgender narratives in the media make gender the primary talking point and fail to represent trans people as three-dimensional characters with goals, hobbies, 缺点或其他特点. The lack of well-rounded and realistic characters is problematic, but misrepresentations of transgender people can also cause real damage, 无论是对社会还是对个人.

Berberick noted that transgender people are often portrayed in the media as degenerative characters, 比如吸毒成瘾者, which is not true to reality and only serves to increase fear, 误解, 和歧视. 针对跨性别者的谋杀和暴力每年都在上升, they said, 有色人种的变性女性是最脆弱的.

“If we don’t understand the systemic discriminations against transgender folx then we can have this illusion of progress that keeps us complacent,” they said. “我觉得如果人们知道, 然后det365app会看到更多反对变性恐惧症的行动, 但你无法改变你不知道的事情.”

A big part of Berberick’s theoretical work is to try to explain how sexual identity is grossly misunderstood and how, as a society, 人们混淆了性和性别.

“我不认为这是任何人的错, I think it’s just how we deal with this culturally and we need to unlearn it,” they said. “I hope we can unlearn the binary sexual identity that is prevalent in our culture.” Berberick also hopes a side-by-side comparison of media types will help readers think about what it means to critically consume media. “Culturally, we’re not as critical of all forms of media as we need to be, and I think this is a very large issue that comes from many directions,” they said.

Berberick是W&J, regularly engages these topics into their classes and that the discussions resonate personally with their students. 主动忘却是困难的, but Berberick said their students are eager to learn and unlearn, 并且有一个挑战自我的个人使命.

det365app的知识都有漏洞, det365app需要找到一种方法来解构它, unlearn that, 扩展det365app的世界观. 这不仅仅是为了让det365app有更多的智慧, but because when we see human beings as human beings and not a one-dimensional token, 这就是det365app的同理心增长的时候. That’s when our desire to have stronger relationships and community grows. We can’t have that kind of action toward a better world if we don’t recognize that the people suffering are indeed people.

“Reframing Sex: Unlearning the Gender Binary with Trans Masculine YouTube Vloggers” will be available Nov. 15 through Roman Littlefield, Amazon, Google Books, and a number of international booksellers.