


音乐是W大学文科教育和det365app不可或缺的一部分&J学院. 各种兴趣和激情的学生, 不管经验如何, 被邀请加入det365app的音乐社团.

The Department of 音乐 encourages students to find intersections between scholarship and 表演 through the study and creation of music. Our academic courses introduce students from across the curriculum to a diversity of ideas that challenge them to think and communicate effectively about music. det365app的声乐和器乐合奏-合唱, 爵士乐, 风, 室, and marimba – provide opportunities for students to come together and perform a wide range of musical styles. Private lessons are available with exceptional teacher-performers drawn from across the region. 拥有杰出的师资力量, 小类, 注重亲密的指导, the Department of 音乐 advocates music as a means of personal expression and a platform for building connections across campus, 大匹兹堡地区, 在世界各地.


det365app课程中的学术课程通过历史介绍基础技能, 理论, 文学, 表演, 以及跨文化音乐研究. 学生们经常发现,在det365app的音乐课程中强调的技能, 比如批判性思维, 听, 协作, 和写作, 是否与大多数学科和专业相关. 结果是, the major and minor in music constitute excellent preparation for graduate study in music and related fields in the Arts, 人文学科, and Social Sciences; for careers in 表演, 媒体, and culture industries; or for any occupation demanding clear and original thinking, 对文字的掌握, 分析和倾听技巧, 和创造力. det365app的许多课程都利用了det365app靠近匹兹堡的地理位置, 一个充满活力的城市,有精彩的现场表演和丰富的文化机会.

除了为专业和未成年人设计的课程, we offer a wide range of innovative courses for the general student in historical musicology, 人种音乐学, 流行音乐, 音乐理论, 作文, 爵士乐, 音乐技术.


  • 浪漫主义时代的音乐
  • 全球音乐聆听导论
  • 指挥的艺术
  • 非洲流行音乐
  • 音乐理论一、二、三
  • 数字音频录制和操作
  • 自然环境中的音乐
  • 地下舞曲的历史
  • 歌剧:性、爱和魔法


The Department of music offers three 跟踪重点 that have been designed to provide unique focus and specialization within the music major.

  • 文学 & 理论: 为希望攻读音乐学研究生的学生设计的重点课程, 人种音乐学, 音乐理论, 或组成.
  • 性能: an emphasis intended for students who wish to pursue careers in instrumental or vocal 表演s, 或者与性能相关的领域, 比如音乐理论和指挥.
  • 媒体: 为对音乐技术有专业兴趣的学生设计的重点课程, 音频和电影制作, 良好的工程, 或组成.

了解有关每个轨道强调的具体要求的更多信息 W&J课程目录.


音乐系的课程听力来自W&J 课程目录. 有关秋季和春季学期提供的课程的更多信息, 请登录WebAdvisor. Please see the Catalog descriptions for additional details about the 音乐专业的 and 音乐 小.



  • 全球音乐聆听导论(MUS 101)
  • 西方音乐史概览(MUS 110)
  • 音乐理论基础(MUS 204)
  • 音乐理论一,二,三(MUS 205, MUS 206,和MUS 306)
  • 一门音乐史的课程达到了300级
  • 三门选修课,其中两门必须指定为高级300级课程
  • 音乐研讨会,在大四的春天(MUS 401)
  • 一个合奏团的四个学期
  • Eight credits of private instruction in any combination of 30-minute (1 credit) or 1-hour (2 credit) lessons

  • 音乐理论基础(MUS 204)
  • Two of the following: 全球音乐聆听导论(MUS 101); 西方音乐史概览(MUS 110); 音乐 理论 I (MUS 205)
  • Three additional courses (12 credits total) from the department's MUA courses or MUS courses numbered 211 and above


A grade of C or higher is required for a course to count toward the major or minor; courses graded Pass/Fail do not count.

获得音乐理论AP学分的学生, 之前的课程, or knowledge of 音乐理论 may earn advanced placement in the department's 理论 sequence. The students may be eligible to place out of MUS 204 and should consult with the chair of the department.


The Department of 音乐 invites all students (majors and non-majors) to participate in our extensive 表演 program, which includes a wide variety of ensembles and private lessons for all instruments and voice. These 表演 opportunities are a great way to meet and engage with other students who share similar passions, 成为W的一部分&和det365app有天赋的老师一起学习乐器.

Students are encouraged to register for any of our six ensemble groups worth 1/4 course (1 credit) highlighted below:


音乐系位于宽敞的奥林美术中心, which celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2012 and also houses the departments of Art and Communication.




音乐 majors who demonstrate outstanding achievement in academics and/or 表演 and 作文 are eligible for the following annual awards to be determined by the music faculty:


An award that is presented each year to a senior music major who has excelled in all areas of music study and made significant contributions to the life of the 音乐 Department during their time as a student.

尼古拉斯·C. 和约瑟芬C. 图奇音乐奖

A prize is given annually to a deserving student of music who demonstrates profound interest and promise in the classroom. 该奖是由约瑟芬C. Tucci是为了纪念她已故的丈夫尼古拉斯·C. 图奇,他是社区领袖,也是学院的朋友.


表彰在音乐方面表现出色的学生的奖项, whose participation either in performing ensembles or classroom studies demonstrates high achievement, 积极的兴趣, 以及对音乐系制定的卓越标准的坚定承诺. 该奖项于1991年由前大学校长霍华德J. 以纪念他的妻子, 芭芭拉·兰索霍夫·伯内特, 他是华盛顿大学美术和表演艺术的忠实支持者&J学院.