Phone: 724-503-1001 x6125
Office: Dieter-Porter 012

Elizabeth Bennett, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair of Psychology

Degrees: Ph.D. Social Psychology, Princeton University; M.S. Social Psychology, Princeton University; B.A. Psychology and Math (Computer Science), Williams College

Elizabeth A. Bennett is a professor in the Department of Psychology. She teaches courses in introductory psychology, social psychology, psychology and the law, and advanced laboratories in social psychology and social cognition. In addition, Dr. Bennett team teaches an introductory course in forensic science with Dr. DeBerry from the Biology Department. Dr. Bennett offers courses that are affiliated with Child Development and Education (CDE), Conflict and Resolution Studies (CRS), and Forensic Science. Dr. Bennett’s primary research interests are in persuasion and jury decision making, particularly the way juries deal with expert testimony.