Brandon Marcucci '21 stands among trees in the Allegheny National Forest with gear to measure tree plots.

Meeting a Mentor: Brandon Marcucci ’21 finds opportunities through professor connection

Created: 2020年11月18日  |  Last Updated: 2021年4月1日  |  Category: , ,   |标签: , , , ,

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(11月. 18, 2020)—When Brandon Marcucci ’21 came to 华盛顿 & 杰佛逊学院&J) as a freshman, he didn’t know how much he would accomplish.

Now thanks to the consistent support of his advisor Jason 祈戈, Ph.D., and the wealth of opportunities presented at the College, Brandon can confidently take his next steps as he begins to think beyond his time at W&J.

It was serendipity that brought Brandon into an environmental studies course with Dr. 在布兰登大一的时候. 他喜欢这门课程对户外活动的关注. 基尔戈对这个主题的热情. Soon, he decided to pursue environmental studies as a major and connected with his new mentor.

在博士. 基尔戈的翅膀,布兰登已经成为W&植物园信息专家, working closely with the professor to document the growth of some 1200 trees on campus. Brandon也加入了Dr. 祈戈 in his research in the Allegheny National Forest on the invasive Emerald Ash Borer, documenting the process for measuring ash tree plots for future student leaders. 上博士. 祈戈的建议, Brandon secured an internship with Widmer Engineering, where he assisted the company in MS4 stormwater outfall inspections.

“我成长了很多,从他身上学到了很多. 吉尔戈。”布兰登说. “I like his enthusiasm; he’s not just dull or monotone—you can tell he’s really excited about what he’s teaching, 这让我更加投入到这个主题中.”

W的小班教学&J made Brandon come out of his shell throughout his 教育. 作为一个内向的人, he’d previously found it difficult to ask questions and was wary of taking advantage of his professor’s office hours. W&J让他的教授们更容易接近, and now he’ll tell you that those relationships are the best thing about his college experience.

“我认为,华盛顿大学的每位教授都是如此&J, you can develop that close relationship like I’ve formed with Dr. 祈戈. They’ll help you out with anything you need,” Brandon said. “If you’re in a 100-level class here, your professors know you. I don’t know if that’s the case at those big universities. Every professor here is really passionate about their subject and their students.”

Brandon is considering his career options following graduation with the support of Dr. 祈戈, who has shared multiple job and internship possibilities that Brandon is pursuing. 尽管他的下一步行动仍在酝酿之中, one thing is abundantly clear: the relationships he’s formed at W&我将和他在一起很多年.

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华盛顿 & 杰斐逊学院位于宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿., is a selective liberal arts college founded in 1781. Committed to providing each of its students with the highest-quality undergraduate 教育 available, W&J offers a traditional arts and sciences curriculum emphasizing interdisciplinary study and independent study work. 欲了解更多关于W&J、访问,或致电888 - w -和-杰.